
Some notes on the cooking that goes on in our household – mostly by Isabel, but a bit by me.
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We think of food as integral to our whole life: physical, emotional and spiritual. A moment of reflection before we start eating can remind us of the earth where the food was grown, and the social chains that have brought it here (which we try to make as carbon-low as possible). Preparation becomes a creative act – through long practice in Isabel’s case; through becoming, in my case, sufficiently familiar with a smaller range of dishes/techniques to be able to produce them freely, with variations where it feels right or interesting.

Fortunately, neither of us have any food sensitivities or cholesterol problems so we can eat, for instance, butter when it is right for the food, alongside the vitamin-rich vegetables that are part of making the meal delicious and enabling the body to function in the way it was evolved to do. I have a suspicion that, for many people, restoring this instinctive balance would be a better way of living than progressively cutting out more and more individual foods that appear, in an unbalanced context, to give them problems.