The dialectic of dark and light:

destruction and creation in Christianity, Hinduism and science

Provisional timetable

Thursday eve

Introductory session, to include:

Welcome and housekeeping announcements

Each tutor to introduce themselves with a flavour of their approach for about 10 mins.

Opportunity for general reactions from participants

Video or general social time

Friday morn


The scientific creation story (Chris Clarke)

talk, questions, slides


Ecopsychology: what does this mean for us as human beings in the late 20th century? (Jean Hardy)

Friday pm


Home groups formed; introduction; what the themes mean to them …

16.30 - 17.30

Feedback from groups, followed by discussion with tutors in plenary - pulling together ideas so far

Friday eve

Free with 1 hours slot for right-brain activity - visual presentation, music etc

Saturday am


Discussion/presentation on Christianity - all three tutors -.


Destruction and creation in Hinduism (Ravi Ravindra)

Saturday pm


Home groups: meaning of destruction and creation in life

16.30 - 17.30

Discussion with tutors in plenary - pulling together ideas so far

Sat eve

Dinner to feature Indian food.

Self-constructed entertainment in evening

Sun am

Srtuctured context for personal work - eg sharing imagery in pairs, with drawing and/or movement activity in small groups.

Home groups discuss what they want of a closing ritual, then all come together, devise ritual and do it.


Lunch and depart